Gazette was an experiment from Oak Studios. It allowed you to subscribe to your favorite blogs, websites, and publications and receive a weekly, personalized ebook to read and highlight on your iPad, iPhone, Kindle, or other device that supported ePub or Mobi formats. It synced issues with Readmill, Kindle, and also allowed you to download directly.
Gazette's last issue was sent on April 25, 2014.
Gazette packaged the week's content from your subscriptions into one ebook that you could take anywhere and read offline in your favorite reading app at your own pace.
Each Gazette issue came in the form of an ebook, meaning you could open it in iBooks, Kindle, Readmill, or any ebook app.
Gazette allowed you to highlight and annotate the articles from your subscriptions.
Rather than seeking through endless content to read each day, you could subscribe to your favorite sites and get the best articles every Friday.